Electromechanical servo presses
The basic system consists of the electromechanical servo press, the motor inverter with control unit and a Windows-based software for parametrising and evaluation of the press-in process. These basic building blocks are necessary to use our system.
The motor inverter consists of a power section and the control section.
The control unit already contains the firmware, i.e. an operating system for the servo motor.
In addition, a PLC is integrated in the control section.
The core of the press-fit system is the integrated PLC program that controls and regulates the movements of the servo press.
This is where all instructions converge, the parameter specifications, the force and travel values and the signals from the machine control.
One advantage is that the limit values of force and travel of the joining functions are already monitored here and the servo press is directly regulated by this. This means that the control and regulation take place directly in the drive and do not have to run through an external controller/evaluation first, which leads to very fast cycle and reaction times.
The third system module is the Windows-based software for entering the parameters and for graphically evaluating the process of the force and displacement values.
The user does not need any experience in PLC programming to create program sequences.
The program steps such as positioning, initial contact (“latching on”), joining on block or joining on path are created in an easy-to-understand interface and associated parameters are stored.
Afterwards, the created program is sent to the controller in the power section by a simple mouse click. It allows you to program the servo press independently.
In the software, all required force and displacement values are also stored in an SQL database and thus documented. The force-displacement curves and curves for each press-fit process can be called up, printed out, analysed or exported.
Windows or envelopes can be created via the graphic evaluation. For the windows, the entry and exit of the curve can be defined. In the analysis, several curves can be superimposed to determine quality corner data.
A PC must be provided and the safety control system (control cabinet) must be realised by the customer.

The complete system includes the following additional components compared to the basic system:
- Option: Power electronics
for complete safety control of the servo press - Option: PC incl. software
for parametrising the servo press and evaluating the press-fitting process
The most important component here is the power electronics.
The servo press must be equipped with a safety control system in accordance with current regulations and standards.
Many safety functions can already be implemented in the drive of the motor.
However, the entire safety control system also relies on contactors, relays, the safety brake control unit, etc.
The components required for the respective servo press for the load circuit, for the control circuit and the emergency stop monitoring are supplied, assembled and wired.
The customer must provide a control cabinet or mounting plate.
In many cases, the control cabinet can also be ordered through us at favourable conditions in order to save unnecessary transport costs.
The interface for wiring is the terminal strip.
No main switch or other connections are installed on the control cabinet housing.
The power electronics can be operated independently together with the servo press or also integrated into existing assembly lines.
This has the advantage that the entire system can be completely tested and delivered ready to run at our factory.
This leads to very short commissioning times when merging with the overall system.
We offer a fanless compact PC as standard.
This can also be supplemented with a UPS (uninterruptible power supply).
If there are special regulations for PCs, the PC can also be provided.

Electromechanical servo presses
Your contact person
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
will be happy to answer your questions – by e-mail or on the phone

+49 (0) 29 51 / 93 883 – 13